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Open Source

Leverage open source solutions to enhance system capabilities and extend systems services.

IBM continues to bring more and more open source technologies to IBM i and for good reason - those technologies are necessary to address the burgeoning requirements of todays IT environment.  In fact, IBM has been heavily involved in the open source community since 2010 and its commitment continues to grow. 


If your company hasn’t had the need for open source in some form for web integrations, mobile apps or other, it’s very likely you will soon, and Tree Line will be here to assist.

And rest assured, IBM has done an impressive job of providing full integration of open source technologies with the rest of IBM i.   At Tree Line, our focus is primarily Java which will remain a vital language for IBM i applications and IBM is committed to delivering best of breed Java technology to the platform for years to come.  We work with other open source components as well and would be happy to discuss your open source needs.

To get the conversation started or to simply learn more about Tree Line and our capabilities please click below and we will be in touch promptly.

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